Reading and understanding every component of your car insurance policy can be a bit confusing. There are a lot of components and parts of the insurance contract that you will need to scan through to get an overview of what all it entails. Among all the contract formalities, terms and conditions and signatures, it can be hard to figure out everything that your car insurance plan covers. If your car insurance in Dubai is third-party car insurance, the inclusions are fairly basic. However, understanding a comprehensive car insurance plan can be a bit more tricky. That is why we’ve listed a few ways that’ll help you figure out the best ways to determine what does your car insurance plan cover.

How to Find Out Basic Inclusions of Car Insurance Plans?

A multitude of options is available if you simply want to get a basic idea of the benefits that your car insurance plan covers. A simple internet research can give you an overview of all that a motor insurance must include. Here, you can easily find what any kind of car insurance plan cover do you really need – whether it’s a third-party car insurance plan or a comprehensive one. Most car insurance providers and aggregators explain the basic inclusions of all types of car insurance plans.

How to Find Inclusions That Are Provider Specific?

Every provider has different inclusions for the same kind of plans, this can be a bit confusing for the buyers. This case may not arise when third-party car insurance plans are concerned since the inclusions here remain pretty the same throughout all the providers. However, comprehensive car insurance plans from different providers can differ a lot in terms of benefits. Following are the ways through which you can figure out the exact benefits that your car insurance plan covers.

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Via the Plan Details on Insurance Provider’s or Aggregators’ Websites 

The websites of most top insurance providers in the UAE are ideally endowed with complete information on the benefits offered by each plan. You can easily find out the exact benefits of the plan simply by browsing through the website.  Apart from the official websites of the insurance providers, you can also use the database of your trusted aggregators to find out more about the comprehensive car insurance plan that you already have or are planning to take. Most top insurance aggregators in the UAE explain the benefits and components of car insurance plans in great detail on their websites.

Via the Car Insurance Contract 

The most effective and reliable way to find exactly what you are looking for in terms of plan inclusions is by scanning the insurance contract. It could be a little bit more difficult than reading the inclusions on the website but it is worth the effort. Every third-party or comprehensive car insurance contract has specific parts. The first part of the contract is the declaration that states the general nature and basic coverage of the plan. You can find out the general specifics of the plan here.

Moving on, you need to skip to the third part of the contract – the coverage page. This page contains a detailed description of everything that your comprehensive car insurance or third-party car insurance covers specifically. There can be a lot of insurance jargon and technical terms here. You can take a little assistance from the second part of the comprehensive car insurance plan contract to deal with them – the definition page. It contains a quick rundown of the most used insurance terms in the contract.


With every different method and source, the information you get can differ as well. If you are wondering whether one out of all the above-mentioned sources is the best, that’s not the case, the aptness of the source depends on the kind and level of information you are looking for. If you need to understand your comprehensive car insurance or third-party car insurance cover in detail, then, refer to the insurance contract. If you just need a basic idea of the inclusions which are specific to your plan only, you can browse the aggregators’ websites or the official websites.



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