Since early 2020, millions of employees and entrepreneurs have been working from the comfort of their homes. This has been an interesting time in human history, to say the least. For decades, most people have worked exclusively in offices, so working from home remains an alien concept for them.

Yet, over a year after its global implementation, remote working remains active and popular. There can be no denying that it’s here to stay, despite some companies recalling their work forces to the office.

So, if you’re one of the many people who are working from home, whether you’re an employee of a business or a self-made entrepreneur, here are some handy little tips that will make working from home more fun and (perhaps most importantly) easier.

1.   Take frequent breaks

For the workaholics among you, it can be hard to close your laptop or tablet down and take a breather. However, as any health expert will tell you, frequent breaks are vital for your physical and mental health.

So, each working day, set reminders on your phone to take a break every hour or so. During these breaks, you can go for a walk, kick your feet up on the couch, or do anything you like – you have total freedom. After all, it’s your house!

Many remote workers use their smartphones to keep them entertained on work breaks. This is understandable, as you can stream music, movies, and sports using your iPhone or Android – they truly are magical devices.

If you’re a sports fan, you should absolutely stream games during your break, and even consider placing a few bets to make it super entertaining. For those who enjoy the National Rugby League, here are the latest NRL odds.

2.   Invest in comfortability

When you’re working from home, you need to be comfortable to work your best – this is a fact.

Therefore, it’s a great idea to invest in a super comfortable work desk and chair. This will help to keep your posture correct and your health intact.

3.   Create a playlist for working hours

Just because you’re working hard, doesn’t mean you can’t listen to some music!

These days, everyone is creating and customizing their own personal playlists. These playlists are usually for specific purposes. For example, you might have a playlist for the gym, and – of course – a playlist for work.

4.   Make a pet your new co-worker

Working from home means you won’t be surrounded by co-workers, anymore. Aside from Zoom meetings, you likely won’t see co-workers often at all.

So, what better idea is there than to get a pet who can keep you company at home? Unsurprisingly, pet ownership has increased over the past year, largely for this exact reason!

You have total freedom of choice. You could get a relaxed and lazy cat, or an excitable and energetic dog to keep you on your toes while you’re in your office – just remember to take good care of them!


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