The adult body is populated by many types of microorganisms. They are found on the surface of the body and in those cavities that have a natural connection to the environment. A child’s body is gradually populated with bacteria.
The body microflora of a healthy person can be roughly divided into three groups:
- occasional microorganisms that are not capable of long-term existence in the human body and quickly die;
- constantly existing in the body, useful for a person (they can break down and assimilate nutrients, synthesize vitamins, and act as antagonists of pathogenic microbes, such as bifidobacteria);
- constantly existing, but fundamentally dangerous for humans, the so-called opportunistic microorganisms (show their pathogenic properties when the resistance of the body, a change in the composition of the normal microflora, and other conditions).
The intestines of the fetus in the womb are sterile, and colonization by bacteria occurs gradually
Infant microbiome colonization begins during childbirth: germs get on the skin, in the cavities, and pathogenic microbes may be infected (for example, gnocchi from a sick mother, which cause conjunctivitis in the baby). Then the microflora of the body of the child and adult is formed under the influence of the environment, depending on the diet and other factors acting on the body.
Breast milk is known to be a complex of intravenous substances created by nature, which constantly adapt to the age of the child and provide him with nutrition and protection. In addition, breast milk is a constant source of maternal microflora. The question of how the bacteria get into the mother’s mammary gland is still a mystery. However, various diagnostic methods confirm the identity of the bacterial strains in the mother’s intestine, breast milk, and infant feces. In addition to being a source of microflora to populate the baby’s gut, breast milk also contains a unique prebiotic complex of oligosaccharides, which are involved in the metabolic process.
For artificially-fed children, develop special milk formulas containing all the necessary probiotics, prebiotics, trace elements, and vitamins. After all, probiotics for babies are part of the normal microflora and are essential for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
Where are the most bacteria in a child’s body
The microflora of the gastrointestinal tract is the most abundant and diverse in terms of species composition. In the oral cavity, there are more than 100 species of microorganisms, which is due to the most favorable living conditions: sufficient humidity level, the alkaline reaction of the environment, the presence of food residues, a constant temperature. The microflora of the stomach is very poor in quantitative and qualitative composition (sardines, yeasts, lactic acid bacteria), which is due to the acidic environment of the gastric juice, causing the death of microorganisms entering it with food and water.
Normal intestinal microflora of children plays an important role in many physiological functions: it participates in digestive processes, fatty acid metabolism, affects the structure of the intestinal mucosa and its adsorption capacity, is involved in the synthesis of vitamin B and K groups, nicotine acid, promotes the formation and development of the immune system and stimulates its activity. Under the influence of various adverse factors, which weaken the protective mechanisms of the body, there comes a shift in the composition of the microflora, its physiological functions are suppressed. This condition is accompanied by diarrhea, flatulence, and other symptoms, and is diagnosed as dysbacteriosis. It often occurs in babies, and then the little body needs additional microorganisms for babies. And these special microorganisms, special live bacteria, are designed to improve the biota of the stomach. They are well tolerated by children and do not cause any side effects. At the same time, their use helps to increase the body’s defenses against respiratory infections, reducing the incidence of infectious diarrhea, enterocolitis, eczema, and atopic dermatitis.