Some home maintenance tasks get put on the back burner for a long time. As the saying goes, “I’ll get to it; there’s no need to remind me every six months.”

Yet, some home maintenance tasks should not only be dealt with immediately; they should be handled by an expert. This logic applies to anything pertaining to your home’s plumbing.

Here are seven signs that it’s time to call a plumber.

You’re Planning to Renovate or Upgrade

Any time you’re planning to renovate or make a sizeable upgrade to your home, you should call a plumber. You may not have any intentions of touching the plumbing, but if you’re taking down walls or building new rooms, there’s a good chance pipes will be involved. As a rule, you don’t want to discover that you need a plumber the moment you start hammering into drywall.

You should also call a plumber if you plan on upgrading faucets, toilets, and sinks— especially if you’re switching to an eco-friendly model. In an older home, these simple swaps have a way of going awry, and you need someone with ample contractor training to evaluate the project. Sometimes, people don’t notice an issue until their water bill rises exponentially.

You Notice Your Water Bill Skyrocketing

If you notice your water bill skyrocketing exponentially, call a plumber immediately. While many utility costs have crept up during the pandemic, this issue often indicates a leak somewhere.

Take a look at your previous water bill to note if there are any changes to pricing or wastewater service fees. If the core charges remain the same and the usage has gone up dramatically, evaluate your recent consumption habits. You may be using more water if you have visitors doing laundry or if it’s the season to water your lawn. If no obvious reasons exist, it’s time to call a plumber.

You Notice Water Pressure Variations

New changes in water pressure also indicate a leak somewhere along the line. Again, there are other factors that could impact your water pressure. If you’re in an older house and you’ve recently acquired a new washing machine or dishwasher, you might notice a change in pressure while those are in use. Similarly, if you’ve changed your faucets recently, the water pressure could feel different through an eco-friendly upgrade.

If none of those scenarios apply, it’s time to call a plumber to check if there are any hidden leaks.

Your Drains Slow Down or Back-Up

A slow drain could indicate a build-up of debris in your pipes. Try using a chemical-free drain cleaner to clear the blockage. If it doesn’t work, there could be a severe blockage that could cause your pipes to rupture or the beginnings of a septic backup.

The same applies to water coming back up a drain when a separate faucet or drain is in use. Hopefully, it’s just an airlock in the pipes, but you don’t want to discover that it’s something else when sewage starts pouring out onto your floor.

Your Water Heater is Weepy

Your water heater has nothing to cry about, so if you notice excess moisture on the outside, there’s a problem. This effect is often referred to as sweating or weeping and indicates a leak or crack that could turn into a big problem. Call a plumber to take a look the moment you notice.

Your Water Won’t Stop Running

If your faucets keep dripping or your toilet keeps running, it will add up in a hurry. Having a plumber come to fix the issue will pay for itself on your upcoming water bills.

You Spot or Smell Evidence of a Leak

Finally, leaks also show up in unsuspecting ways throughout the home. If you smell mold or mildew, you could have a leak somewhere. It could also be your HVAC system; either way, you need an expert. Water stains and wet spots are also indicators that a pipe is leaking in the ceiling or walls.

If you’re dealing with any of these issues, hang the DIY hat for another day and call a skilled plumber to handle the situation.


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