Valentines Day is one of the most ‘under rated’ holidays. Regardless of whether you are lusting after someone, in a new relationship, committed or married – you should definitely not ignore this day to recognize how you feel about someone special. If you do, you risk sending the wrong message to your love and hurting feelings unintentionally. Before you go any further, there is one thing you should know. EVERYBODY wants a gift. Even if they say they don’t, remain adamant that they think the day is simply an over commercialized expression to spend money and shake their heads in what appears to be honest disdain for the gift giving – they want a gift. You should never take a woman’s pretense of saying she doesn’t want a gift as real. She does. And let’s be real, it is also an awesome time to let that guy in your life know just how much you care.
So where to start. The obvious choices for Valentines Day gifts are chocolate, flowers, perfumes and of course…jewelry. This time of year, you can go into any store and find something representative of the heart made out of silver, gold or diamonds. The same is true for chocolates. And if you really don’t like to be original, you can also choose this day to get married or propose. But, wouldn’t it be great to step out of the box a little and give something more special and personal? Here are just a few ideas.
Shopping for Women on Valentines Day!
Women love to be thought of. Regardless if you are getting gifts for wife or significant other, you must know a little about her. What does she love to do? For instance, giving a muffin tin and cookbook on Valentines Day might not seem romantic, but to the woman dreaming of opening up her own bakery, it definitely shows you are paying attention. Think about the females in your life and make some lists of what they love to do. Do they like to read? If so, choosing a hot book they have been dying to curl up with or purchasing some sort of Ereader, can be just the perfect thing. Do they love to be pampered? How about a gift certificate for a day at the spa, pedicure or manicure? If you know your wife or girlfriend has been eyeing an expensive pair of jeans but just cannot bring herself to spend that much on one pair of pants, splurge. This type of thoughtfulness will go a long way and give you plenty of brownie points.
The perfect reason to give unconventional Valentines Day gifts is because it proves to a woman that you know her in that deep and loving sort of way that others don’t. It also shows that you want to give her something because you truly care, and not just because you feel obligated to fulfill the marketing purposes of the holiday.
If you aren’t so sure about the hobby angle, then look for personalized gifts. Order some jewelry with her name or initials, her children’s names or that combines gift giving with picture taking. Another great picture idea, especially if you have been married for a long time is to recreate an image from ‘back in the day.’ Take a wedding picture or something that the two of you shared and have it enlarged and framed. Not only will you tug on her heartstrings, but also she will feel certain that she married the right person in her life.
There also isn’t a woman alive who wouldn’t appreciate something sexy. Even if lingerie isn’t ‘her thing’, it feels great to a woman to be given it. It means that you still think she’s hot and desirable, and it is something truly personal that the two of you can share. It also means that you took a leap of bravery and shopped at Victoria’s Secret despite how awkward you felt.
Valentines Day Gifts for Men
Shopping for a man? They really aren’t much different from women. They too want gifts, and they certainly don’t want a tie, some new underwear, or a pack of wife beaters to round out their wardrobe. Sorry girls, but far too many men are given last minute gifts that they could care nothing about. Instead, wow them with something technological or perfect for the do it yourselfer. If your guy isn’t the outdoor type – then look for personalized micro brews, Tabasco sauces or other things that they will love. Many men love to cook and February can be a great way to kick off the grilling season by finding some new tools to make his Valentines Day steak absolutely perfect!
Think about what he is interested in? You would be surprised how far parts for his motorcycle, guitar, or tractor could go in spreading around the love. If the man in your life works at the office all day, then give him something to break the monotony and help remind him of the family he has at home that loves him. Framed pictures can be a nice touch to the office décor. The same goes for DVD collector packs or some music that he has been dying to get. If he IS a music lover, then what about an Ipod loaded with all of his favorite songs? In fact, part of the gift can be the song selection that you choose to load on the device. This way you can bring back memories of your times together that were marked by the lyrics of a song, and he will have some great music to lessen the stress of his work commute.
Another great gift idea for men is tickets to an event that they would love. Even if you aren’t the sporting fan, could care less about the races, and wouldn’t enjoy a day putting on the greens, the fact that you chose something personal for HIM is a great touch. And if you go along, sans the complaining, the day really could be romantic.
Remembering that Valentines Day Gifts Should Be Personal & Special
Much of the hubbub surrounding Valentines Day seems to clump people together in one group, without realizing that the love you share is personal. It cannot be defined by a generic gift, mass-produced with the hopes that millions of desperate people will indulge because they cannot think of ‘something better.’ And Valentines Day gifts do not have to expensive! In fact, there are millions of things that you can give one another that aren’t symbolic of the holiday itself. In other words, a necklace doesn’t have to have a heart on it to qualify for Valentines Day romantic.
Think out of the box. Gift giving isn’t about just having something wrapped with a bow. In fact, it is about giving of your heart, effort, and time above money. When you search for a gift for a man, woman, friend, or even a child – it should always say something about the state of your relationship and the way you feel about each other. This way no one will be left with pie in their face on Valentines Day because they didn’t have the perfect gift. (Or not gift at all)