Planning a vacation is an exciting time for many, though the idea of packing can often get in the way of that excitement. A little planning and preparation goes a long way for any vacationer, no matter the destination. Deciding what you’re going to need during your trip takes some time and practice, though once you’ve perfected your packing strategy, you’ll have everything you need to enjoy your vacation.

There are essential travel accessories that every traveller should consider packing before embarking on their next adventure when it comes to sun-filled getaways.

Light Reading

If you’re spending time relaxing on a beach or at a resort, your activities may be limited — or you’re simply looking to relax. Whatever the case may be, bringing some good books along for the trip is always a good idea. That being said, lugging multiple hardcovers is less than realistic.

Taking your favourite authors with you is easier than ever, especially with portable e-readers. Travellers can purchase from a diverse catalogue and upload their favourites to their mobile device — keeping your suitcase light and your imagination abundant.

Waterproof Entertainment

Going on a tropical vacation means being surrounded by at least one body of water — whether you’re by the pool at your resort or spending time on the beach by the ocean. If that’s the case, waterproof accessories are going to be an ideal travel companion.

If you’re planning on playing music, you’ll want to invest in waterproof speakers. If you’re going to have your phone near water, consider a water-protective case to keep your device safe — additionally, your case should protect your phone from dust and sand. These compact, portable accessories are easy to pack and provide the convenience you need to enjoy your holiday safely.

Sun Safety

Spending your days out in the sun while relaxing can also damage your health if you’re not fully prepared. Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays means packing ample sunscreen and clothing designed to shield the sun.

That doesn’t mean you need to be fully covered while you’re lounging by the pool or on the sand. Whether it’s a chic wide-brim hat or colorful Azzyland Dad Hats, you can still incorporate fashion into sun safety.

Adaptable Chargers

If you’re leaving the country, chances are you’re going to need an adaptable charger for your devices. To use your own devices, you’ll want to invest in a universal travel adaptor — this accessory is designed for convenience and compact packing. No matter where you are in the world, you can still access everything you need from the comfort of your hotel.

First-Aid Kit

No one wants to imagine any injuries on their vacation, but it never hurts to come prepared. Packing a portable first-aid kit is a smart travel hack no matter where your destination may be. Your kit should include the basics — bandaids, gauze, tape, and topical cream for any cuts or potential infections. If your kit is compact, it shouldn’t take up a lot of room in your suitcase or carry-on.


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