Trying to get pregnant? There are lots of ways you can increase your odds of conceiving, but the biggest is by pinpointing the best days of the month to have baby-making sex.
Check out our picks for the best ovulation tests, or ovulation predictor kits, which can help determine when you're ovulating each month. You can find all three at drugstores, or shop them online right here.
First Response Daily Digital Ovulation Test
The First Response ovulation test (pictured above) comes with a digital reader and 20 sticks to test your LH levels each day. The reader remembers your levels throughout the month, so it can effectively alert you of an LH surge (displayed with a simple YES or NO- on the screen).
Chances of conception increase for 24-36 hours after the surge is detected. First Response claims their test kit is over 99% accurate.
Shop First Response Daily Digital Ovulation Test

Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test
The Clearblue ovulation test detects your four most fertile days (most kits usually predict two) by tracking both LH surge and estrogen. Test once per day until estrogen levels rise, indicating high fertility (displayed with a flashing smiley face). Peak fertility happens after the LH surge, and it’s displayed with a static smiley face.
The Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test is 99% effective, and it’s safe for women with regular and irregular periods (but not PCOS).
Shop Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test

Wondfo One Step Ovulation (LH) Test Strips
The Wondo ovulation test identifies LH surge quickly and efficiently. Here’s how to use it: Pee in a cup (much like at the doctor’s office), dip a paper strip into the liquid, and wait five minutes. Compare the color on the stick to the control line to figure out if you’re ovulating.
The ovulation predictor kit comes with 50 test strips, and you can find it for a very reasonable price.
Shop Wondfo One Step Ovulation (LH) Test Strips