For most women, investing in a nice pair of earrings is important – especially for business women or women who tend to dress up more than they dress casually. A tasteful pair of classy earrings can dress up jeans or compliment a sleek dress. Earrings can also be a great way to let your personality and unique fashion sense shine through without being an overwhelming accessory.
The task of searching out a quality pair of earrings that will last through multiple style preferences and will complement multiple outfits can be daunting. With so many options and styles to choose from, it is important to know at least a little about what is available before you head out to invest in a pair for your own collection:
It has been said many times: diamonds are a girl’s best friend. While this may be true, investing in diamond earrings can be difficult, as there are countless styles, types, qualities, and price points available. Higher quality, better-cut diamonds will indeed be more brilliant, but they will also command a much higher value. Likewise, you may very well find that an affordably priced, lower quality diamond will become increasingly lackluster as time wears on. Much of a diamond’s perceived shine and brilliance depends on the cut. Be sure to talk to your jeweler before purchasing diamond earrings to make sure that the set you are considering is a cut and a style that you will still be happy with once you leave the store and the bright shop lights are not over-emphasizing every facet on the stone.
Another important thing to consider when looking at diamond earrings is the setting. Will you be purchasing simple studs or a more elaborate pendant-style earring? Something worth considering is that while pendant earrings or other similar styles may be gorgeous, they do not always transfer seamlessly from outfit to outfit; often they are more elegant than every-day clothing or settings may merit. Studs, on the other hand, are a timeless, classic look that can be worn with virtually any outfit in almost any social setting. Be sure that no matter what you choose, you take the time to examine the
Pearls, Gold, and Silver
Just as diamonds have their own unique levels of quality and luster, pearls, gold, and silver earrings all have individual levels of quality that correspond to differing price levels. For pearls, there are those that are “wild” and those that are manufactured in factories dedicated to creating pearls. As you can imagine, “wild” pearls are typically more expensive and rare than those that are mass-produced. When it comes to silver and gold, be sure to consider the level of the metal that is present in each piece. Is it completely silver, or is it only silver-plated? Is it 24 karat gold, or only 12 karat gold? With gold, especially, it is important to consider the karat levels because some are softer and more malleable than others, which can lead more easily to nicks and dents in the jewelry.
Where to Shop
Jewelry stores are typically where most people look when searching for a pair of nice earrings to invest in, but they are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to your shopping options. Department stores, online retailers, and even second-hand sites like Craigslist can all be potentially viable options for purchasing quality earrings. The key is knowing who to trust and doing your homework. Online customer reviews can be a great way to see what others have to say about the company you are looking at purchasing from. Department stores and chain stores will often have fairly good prices, but you need to be careful that what you pay for is still of good and lasting quality.
Be careful, also, not to get taken in by what appears to be a great deal. It is possible that even if something is marked down it can still be overpriced. Your best bet in this situation is to shop around and compare prices whenever possible. This will help ensure that you make a solid and informed decision. Often the best times to shop for jewelry are those times in-between major holidays. The times right before or immediately following a holiday is typically when stores get the most traffic, which often leads to higher prices and fewer real deals.
Many stores offer trade-in options, allowing you to take old pieces of jewelry and trade them in toward the price if your new jewelry. Other stores offer memberships that come with excellent incentives and rewards. Investing in a nice pair of earrings can be a wonderful way to start a fine jewelry collection that will last you for years to come – once you have taken the time to research your options, you can select a pair with confidence, knowing that it will be a wonderful addition to your wardrobe.